-0.13 %

1445/09/17     27/03/2024 08:13:40

Element ListExplanation
IntroductionThe BOD of AIG Company recommended to distribute dividends to shareholders for the year 2023
Date of the board’s recommendation2024-03-26 Corresponding to 1445-09-16
The Total amount distributed200 Million SAR
Number of Shares Eligible for Dividends80 Million shares
Dividend per shareSAR 2.50
Percentage of Dividend to the Share Par Value (%)25 %
Eligibility dateThe eligibility of dividends shall be for the shareholders who own the shares on the day of the general assembly meeting and registered in the Securities Depository Center on the closing of next trading day after the general assembly meeting, which will be announced later after getting the necessary approvals from the relevant authorities.
Distribution DateThe distribution date will be announced later after approving the distribution of dividend by the General Assembly.
The name of other official authorities and the details of their non-refusal to the recommendation or decisionN/A
Additional InformationWe would like to draw the attention of the non-resident foreign investors that the cash dividend distribution which is transferred by the resident financial broker is subject to (when transferred or credited to the bank account) withholding tax of 5%, in accordance with the provisions of article 68 of the income tax law and article 63 of its implementing regulation.

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